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Google Street View
Platzieren Sie Ihr Unternehmen samt digitalen Zwilling auf Google Maps.
Schematischer Grundriss
Professionelle schematische Pläne Ihrer Räumlichkeiten.
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Inhaltsverteilung für Immobilien
Steigerung der Sichtbarkeit Ihres Unternehmens durch Weiterleitung an führende Internet-Partner.
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BIM file
Convert your geodata into a LOD-200 building information model (BIM) in RVT and DWG format!
Transfer your scan into a 3D Revit model and 2D CAD file that can be used throughout the building lifecycle, including planning, construction and building management.
E57 file
Creating registered, high-density and colorized point clouds has never been easier!
This vendor-neutral point cloud file can be imported into most 3D design software and used as a collaborative 3D workflow as a common source of information for designing, building and managing diverse projects.
Matterpak Bundle is a variety of downloadable and exportable assets generated from Matterport 3D data that can be used by architects and engineers.
To easily initiate your design, development or management process, the assets can be imported into a variety of programs.
TruePlan™ for Xactimate®
TruePlan™ eliminates the need for manual sketching of properties! It also speeds up the estimation process and shortens claim processing cycles.
Combined with a Matterport 3D model and TruePlan™, you can create estimates and submit applications 100% online.